The seventh and final Last Call Special Edition is already banned in its stock form by the NHRA thanks to dominating the quarter-mile with a certified 8.91-seconds ET at 151.17 mph. The limited-production 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT ® Demon 170, featuring the first-ever 1,000-plus-horsepower production HEMI ® engine, is absolutely here to kick ass and cross names off the competitor lane list. * Various changes to resolve minor issues with Windows 8.Make no mistake. * Fixed selection of COM ports used by the ZX Interface 1 serial port emulation. * All binaries and the installer are now digitally signed. * Added option to pause Spectaculator when the main window is minimised. * Added progress indicator for RZX playback. * Fixed recording of Covox output to AVI and audio files. * Fixed recording of SpecDrum output to AVI and audio files. * Fixed errors when writing to TRD/SCL disk images under certain situations (thanks Shadow Maker) * Fixed RZX finalisation crashing in some rare situations (thanks Pavel Plíva). * Fixed crash when clicking to the right of Custom ROMs on the Advanced tab. * Fixed AY noise generation (although you probably won't be able to tell any difference). * Enter key can now be mapped to one of the joystick/game pad buttons. * Added support for modern game controllers such as the Xbox 360 controller. Ctrl+F2 now shows the list of quick-saved snapshots. * F2 now loads the last quick-saved snapshot. * Deleted snapshots are automatically removed from the list.

Quick-loaded snapshots now move to the top of the list. * Choosing a snapshot to load now loads the correct snapshot. * The file name format has changed to make it easier to see which snapshots are for which games. * Fixed various problems with Quick Save/Quick Load: * The Escape key can now be configured to exit Spectaculator rather than sending CAPS+SPACE to the virtual Spectrum. * Added manual controls for the TV simulation (brightness, contrast, colour bleed, sharpness etc.) Any RPI scaler that supports 2x scaling can now be used with Spectaculator. * Added support for Kega Fusion Render plugins. * Added support for Overlay filters (RGB Triads). * Added Dynamite Dan and Dynamite Dan 2 to the Game Pack courtesy of Rod Bowkett. It will no longer install on older versions of Windows. * Minimum requirements are now Windows XP /w SP3 and hardware-accelerated Direct3D 9 graphics. Spectaculator emulates the 16K/48K/128/+2/+2A/+3 Spectrums, the Russian Pentagon 128 and Scorpion ZS256 clones, and lots of additional hardware.

Spectaculator is the world's premier Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for PCs running Microsoft® Windows® 7, XP & Vista.